Since 1999, Friends of Worcester has served as a community non-profit dedicated to preserving Worcester Township’s open spaces, rural character, and historic heritage.
Our Organization
Friends of Worcester is dedicated to preserving the rural heritage of Worcester Township by preserving open space, working farms, villages, and historic buildings. We keep township residents informed of current issues that impact these and other important issues through our website, our newsletters, and our e-mail notification list.
Friends of Worcester is a Pennsylvania nonprofit association and a federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Donations and sponsorships help FOW carry out our community mission.
Our Vision & Mission
Vision Statement
Our vision is compelling - to enhance the quality of life in Worcester by protecting and preserving our precious open spaces, conserving our rural agricultural, natural and historical heritage, supporting recreational opportunities and encouraging growth that reflects Worcester's unique character.
Mission Statement
Recognizing the uniqueness of Worcester's rural character with it's farmlands, woodlands, meadows and historic structures, and understanding that the preservation of these areas contribute greatly to quality of life for current and future generations, we have joined together under the name "Friends of Worcester."
Friends of Worcester works to educate and inform citizens and government officials of the value of balancing preservation with progress. This will ensure that future well-planned development maintains Worcester's rural community character.
As advocates for open space, historical preservation, trail network expansion and smart village planning, we work to promote the implementation of Worcester's Comprehensive Plan, Open Space Plan, Growing Greener Ordinance and Village Vision Plans.