Palmer Zoning Validity Challenge
In Summer of 2021, the owners of the Palmer Tract began mounting a legal challenge to the Worcester Township Zoning code.
Their aim is to have the 55 acre Palmer Property on the corner of Valley Forge Road and Skippack Pike rezoned from the existing mix of 48 acres residential and 7 acres limited commercial, to entirely commercial. They may be able to develop the property with one or more of the following uses: hotels, supermarkets & department stores, research facilities, clinics, and indoor recreation facilities
The Zoning Challenge, if approved, would worsen traffic, bring overdevelopment to the center of Worcester, and disregard the Township's interest in thoughtfully developing Center Point Village in a way that is consistent with our community's special rural & historic character.
Will the Palmer’s 55 acre property be rezoned entirely Commercial?
After 3+ years of witness testimony and legal arguments, the Worcester Zoning Hearing Board voted unanimously on January 21st, 2025 to deny the Palmer Validity Challenge in it’s entirety.
We will keep you aprised of any future updates regarding potential development of the Palmer property
Palmer Property - intersection of Skippack Pike & Valley Forge Road
To Stay Informed:
You can attend the Palmer Zoning Challenge Hearing Meeting- 6:00pm, March 21st, 2023 at Community Hall (1031 S. Valley Forge Road)
Visit for more information